Stockholm was still in the clutches of a winter that just wouldn't let go. Snow that had been through all too many promises of thaw, only to freeze into hulking crystalline humps again and again still rested heavily against the northern sides of buildings and roofs. Nary a spring flower was to be found, grey gravelly dust coated everything. But the love, family, friends and of course...the food...all welcomed me, nurturing both soul and body.

Catta, my dearest darling friend since 6th grade, and I met for a much needed dinner and catching up on life at Smak ("Taste"). The menu plays on flavor themes showcased in tapas-sized portions, with a choice of 3, 5 or 7 miniature courses. We opted for five, nibbling and sharing our way through a stunning meal, perfectly complemented by wine parings (half-glasses available--brilliant idea). Lemon, coriander, chili, ginger, curry...our taste buds went everywhere.
Crisp potato rounds piled high with glistening fish roe, creme fraiche and lemon peel...

Oxtorgsgatan 14
111 57 Stockholm
Oxtorgsgatan 14
111 57 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8-545 172 80